Prisoners clashed with the government to see the solar eclipse, said – this is our religious event, cannot miss it

Prisoners clashed with the government to see the solar eclipse, said – this is our religious event, cannot miss it

You must have heard the prisoners fighting for their rights. Most of the prisoners appeal to the administration and government for food, water and other facilities. But a rare incident has come to light in America. The prisoners lodged in the jail here are demanding to see the solar eclipse. Have appealed to the administration. The matter has also reached the court. He says that this is a religiously important event, and we have the right to see it.

According to the Metro report, there is a solar eclipse on April 8, which is said to be rare. This will be most visible in America. In such a situation, all the prisoners lodged in New York jail have demanded from the jail administration to provide facilities to watch the solar eclipse. The prisoners said that it is religiously important and they have a constitutional right to see it. The special thing is that prisoners of five different religions have made this request. He has even filed a court case against the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.

Solar eclipse is a rare, natural phenomenon
In the complaint, these people have said that solar eclipse is a rare, natural phenomenon. We are confident that we will be given a chance to watch it to maintain our religious faith. An atheist named Jeremy Zilinski complained two months ago and asked that it be recognized as a religious incident. The case is to be heard today. The court will decide whether they should be provided glasses etc. to view the solar eclipse or not. Meanwhile, the Commissioner of the Correctional Home has issued a ‘lockdown memo’. He has ordered that all the prisoners will remain in their barracks from 2 pm to 5 pm. If they wish, they can see this moment from their window.

The prisoners’ arguments are also strange
The arguments given by the prisoners are quite interesting. 2 Christian prisoners have written, seeing the solar eclipse is important in our religion. It will tell what Lord Jesus saw before dying on the cross to forgive sins. He believed in honesty and trusting his belief is the key to our trust. A Muslim woman named Jean-Marque Desmarais argued that watching the solar eclipse and saying special prayers is important for practicing her religion. The last total solar eclipse in the US was in 2017 and it is not going to happen again until 2044. That’s why there is a lot of enthusiasm among people to see it.

Tags: solar eclipse

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